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A Bird Singing by L. Brian Deobold

by Brian Deobald

Excerpt from the book "Guided Meditation Releasing the Song" by L. Brian Deobald

His meditative contemplation poems are designed for you to focus on the present to recieve meaning while delving deeper into the life force.

A Bird Singing

A bird singing its morning song

To wake the day of a new beginning

The present is celebrated.

Each movement of a leaf

Is a joy to behold

Each dewdrop

Sliding along the veins of the leaf

Is a sign of events to come.

The bird’s song is interrupted

By a moment of change in the morning air.

Was it me who disturbed the melancholy of the morning?

A flutter of wings

So gracefully moving

The slight bend in the branch as the bird takes flight

Creates the smallest of currents

That fan the clustered leaves

The song returns

I am a part of the day’s beginning.

What role will I play as the day passes.

As each moment influences the world

My awareness will wander

As my thoughts block my senses

Bringing a shadow over my awareness.

What will I miss this day

That would have changed my actions

There is excitement in our knowing

Choices are ours to make

And once made move events in a new direction.

My walking causes a disturbance

In the morning’s silence.

The bird glides to a new branch.

How many times has it sat there?

Or is it a new experience

Bringing a change in the events of its day

The song begins anew

I feel contentment in knowing

I have been a verse in its song, an event in its day.

Just as it has been

An important aspect of my day.

Another moment of total awareness

Of perfect harmony to like.

My day goes on

And I am excited about the prospects

For there is so much

The day can reveal.


                                                                                                                                L. Brian Deobald


Thank you Brian for this beautiful addition to our blog page!

Rev. William