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Dr. Melba Stetz

“Melbita” had many “intuitive” experiences while growing up in Puerto Rico (USA). Her parents were Catholic and in the medical field. Upon graduation, she joined the U.S. ARMY as a Research Psychologist. Yes, she jumped from planes and deployed to combat areas. However, this Lieutenant Colonel focused on helping those with “invisible wounds”, such as mental stress and emotional pain. After publishing her stress and coping work (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fOhhu-oAAAAJ), she retired and opened her neurofeedback (brain training for self-regulation) therapy practice. Once diagnosed with cancer, Dr. Melba endured full breast mutilation (mastectomy), chemotherapy, radiation, and medications. Already a Yoga Teacher and a Reiki Master, she deepened her spirituality during the COVID lockdown. Some of her training has been with the Arthur Findlay College, the Eternity Connection/ASHA, and the Spiritualists’ National Union. In 2023, she had to stop coaching clients in person and teaching at two universities. The reason for this was that her cancer came back, eating now her bones and liver (Stage 4). Nevertheless, Melba is currently studying to become an Ordained Minister through the Morris Pratt Institute and the National Spiritualist Association of Churches. The rest of her time is dedicated to her family and friends.